volunteer opportunities

Here at Cerritos Beach Dogs, we welcome all the help we can get!

Whether you are in the area for the day or a few days, or if you are here more longer term, we would love to connect.

Agustina is our Chief Puppy Wellness Officer and she will coordinate with volunteers and organise their tasks. You can contact her below on Whatsapp:

Volunteer tasks include interacting with the dogs, making sure all water + food bowls are topped up, dog waste is cleared, storage area is organised, treats and toys given to the pups, cages are wiped down, interacting with those who are interested in adopting and providing them with appropriate information, ensuring all rules are being followed inside the puppy play area, and coordinating with full time staff on anything else that needs to be completed.

If you are interested in booking in a time slot for a certain dog, please send us a message and introduce yourself. We can’t wait to meet you!

Alternatively, we will have a volunteer board at the cafe for tasks that haven’t been completed yet for that day, or if we haven’t had any volunteer sign ups. Please stop in and check the volunteer board anytime! We always need people to pick up a pup and take them for a walk.. and who knows, you may meet their future adopter on a stroll down by the beach!?